# AVL树 AVL 树,是一种平衡的二叉搜索树。由于各种算法教材上对 AVL 的介绍十分冗长,造成了很多人对 AVL 树复杂、不实用的印象。但实际上,AVL 树的原理简单,实现也并不复杂。 --- ## 性质 1. 空二叉树是一个 AVL 树 2. 如果 T 是一棵 AVL 树,那么其左右子树也是 AVL 树,并且 $|h(ls) - h(rs)| \leq 1$,h 是其左右子树的高度 3. 树高为 $O(\log n)$ 平衡因子:右子树高度 - 左子树高度 --- 树高的证明: 设 $f_n$ 为高度为 $n$ 的 AVL 树所包含的最少节点数,则有 $$ f_n= \begin{cases} 1&(n=1)\\\\ 2&(n=2)\\\\ f_{n-1}+f_{n-2}+1& (n>2) \end{cases} $$ 根据常系数非齐次线性差分方程的解法,$\{f_n+1\}$ 是一个斐波那契数列。这里 $f_n$ 的通项为: $$ f_n=\frac{5+2\sqrt{5}}{5}\left(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n+\frac{5-2\sqrt{5}}{5}\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n-1 $$ --- 斐波那契数列以指数的速度增长,对于树高 $n$ 有: $$ n<\log_{\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}} (f_n+1)<\frac{3}{2}\log_2 (f_n+1) $$ 因此 AVL 树的高度为 $O(\log f_n)$,这里的 $f_n$ 为结点数。 --- ## 过程 ### 插入结点 与 BST(二叉搜索树)中类似,先进行一次失败的查找来确定插入的位置,插入节点后根据平衡因子来决定是否需要调整。 --- ### 删除结点 删除和 BST 类似,将结点与后继交换后再删除。 删除会导致树高以及平衡因子变化,这时需要沿着被删除结点到根的路径来调整这种变化。 --- ### 平衡的维护 插入或删除节点后,可能会造成 AVL 树的性质 2 被破坏。因此,需要沿着从被插入/删除的节点到根的路径对树进行维护。如果对于某一个节点,性质 2 不再满足,由于我们只插入/删除了一个节点,对树高的影响不超过 1,因此该节点的平衡因子的绝对值至多为 2。由于对称性,我们在此只讨论左子树的高度比右子树大 2 的情况,即下图中 $h(B)-h(E)=2$。此时,还需要根据 $h(A)$ 和 $h(C)$ 的大小关系分两种情况讨论。需要注意的是,由于我们是自底向上维护平衡的,因此对节点 D 的所有后代来说,性质 2 仍然是被满足的。 ![](https://oi-wiki.org/ds/images/avl1.svg) --- #### $h(A)\geq h(C)$ 设 $h(E)=x$,则有 $$ \begin{cases} h(B)=x+2\\\\ h(A)=x+1\\\\ x\leq h(C)\leq x+1 \end{cases} $$ --- 其中 $h(C)\geq x$ 是由于节点 B 满足性质 2,因此 $h(C)$ 和 $h(A)$ 的差不会超过 1。此时我们对节点 D 进行一次右旋操作(旋转操作与其它类型的平衡二叉搜索树相同),如下图所示。 ![](https://oi-wiki.org/ds/images/avl2.svg) --- 显然节点 A、C、E 的高度不发生变化,并且有 $$ \begin{cases} 0\leq h(C)-h(E)\leq 1\\\\ x+1\leq h'(D)=\max(h(C),h(E))+1=h(C)+1\leq x+2\\\\ 0\leq h'(D)-h(A)\leq 1 \end{cases} $$ 因此旋转后的节点 B 和 D 也满足性质 2。 --- #### $h(A)
/** * An AVLTree-based map implementation * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree * @tparam Key the type of keys maintained by this map * @tparam Value the type of mapped values * @tparam Compare */ template
> class AvlTreeMap { private: using USize = size_t; using Factor = int64_t; Compare compare = Compare(); public: struct Entry { Key key; Value value; bool operator==(const Entry &rhs) const noexcept { return this->key == rhs.key && this->value == rhs.value; } bool operator!=(const Entry &rhs) const noexcept { return this->key != rhs.key || this->value != rhs.value; } }; private: struct Node { using Ptr = std::shared_ptr
; using Provider = const std::function
&; using Consumer = const std::function
&; Key key; Value value{}; Ptr left = nullptr; Ptr right = nullptr; USize height = 1; explicit Node(Key k) : key(std::move(k)) {} explicit Node(Key k, Value v) : key(std::move(k)), value(std::move(v)) {} ~Node() = default; inline bool isLeaf() const noexcept { return this->left == nullptr && this->right == nullptr; } inline void updateHeight() noexcept { if (this->isLeaf()) { this->height = 1; } else if (this->left == nullptr) { this->height = this->right->height + 1; } else if (this->right == nullptr) { this->height = this->left->height + 1; } else { this->height = std::max(left->height, right->height) + 1; } } inline Factor factor() const noexcept { if (this->isLeaf()) { return 0; } else if (this->left == nullptr) { return (Factor)this->right->height; } else if (this->right == nullptr) { return (Factor) - this->left->height; } else { return (Factor)(this->right->height - this->left->height); } } inline Entry entry() const { return Entry{key, value}; } static Ptr from(const Key &k) { return std::make_shared
(Node(k)); } static Ptr from(const Key &k, const Value &v) { return std::make_shared
(Node(k, v)); } }; using NodePtr = typename Node::Ptr; using ConstNodePtr = const NodePtr &; using NodeProvider = typename Node::Provider; using NodeConsumer = typename Node::Consumer; NodePtr root = nullptr; USize count = 0; using K = const Key &; using V = const Value &; public: using EntryList = std::vector
; using KeyValueConsumer = const std::function
&; using MutKeyValueConsumer = const std::function
&; using KeyValueFilter = const std::function
&; class NoSuchMappingException : protected std::exception { private: const char *message; public: explicit NoSuchMappingException(const char *msg) : message(msg) {} const char *what() const noexcept override { return message; } }; AvlTreeMap() noexcept = default; /** * Returns the number of entries in this map. * @return size_t */ inline USize size() const noexcept { return this->count; } /** * Returns true if this collection contains no elements. * @return bool */ inline bool empty() const noexcept { return this->count == 0; } /** * Removes all of the elements from this map. */ void clear() noexcept { this->root = nullptr; this->count = 0; } /** * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped; If this map * contains no mapping for the key, a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will * be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Value * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Value get(K key) const { if (this->root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("Invalid key"); } else { NodePtr node = this->getNode(this->root, key); if (node != nullptr) { return node->value; } else { throw NoSuchMappingException("Invalid key"); } } } /** * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped; If this map * contains no mapping for the key, a new mapping with a default value * will be inserted. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Value & */ Value &getOrDefault(K key) { if (this->root == nullptr) { this->root = Node::from(key); this->count += 1; return this->root->value; } else { return this ->getNodeOrProvide(this->root, key, [&key]() { return Node::from(key); }) ->value; } } /** * Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key. * @param key * @return bool */ bool contains(K key) const { return this->getNode(this->root, key) != nullptr; } /** * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. * @param key * @param value */ void insert(K key, V value) { if (this->root == nullptr) { this->root = Node::from(key, value); this->count += 1; } else { this->insert(this->root, key, value); } } /** * If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates * it with the given value and returns true, else returns false. * @param key * @param value * @return bool */ bool insertIfAbsent(K key, V value) { USize sizeBeforeInsertion = this->size(); if (this->root == nullptr) { this->root = Node::from(key, value); this->count += 1; } else { this->insert(this->root, key, value, false); } return this->size() > sizeBeforeInsertion; } /** * If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates * it with the given value and returns the value, else returns the associated * value. * @param key * @param value * @return */ Value &getOrInsert(K key, V value) { if (this->root == nullptr) { this->root = Node::from(key, value); this->count += 1; return root->value; } else { NodePtr node = getNodeOrProvide(this->root, key, [&]() { return Node::from(key, value); }); return node->value; } } Value operator[](K key) const { return this->get(key); } Value &operator[](K key) { return this->getOrDefault(key); } /** * Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present; * Returns true if the mapping is present else returns false * @param key the key of the mapping * @return bool */ bool remove(K key) { if (this->root == nullptr) { return false; } else { return this->remove(this->root, key, [](ConstNodePtr) {}); } } /** * Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present and returns * the value which is mapped to the key; If this map contains no mapping for * the key, a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Value * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Value getAndRemove(K key) { Value result; NodeConsumer action = [&](ConstNodePtr node) { result = node->value; }; if (root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("Invalid key"); } else { if (remove(this->root, key, action)) { return result; } else { throw NoSuchMappingException("Invalid key"); } } } /** * Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry * exists, returns the entry for the least key greater than the specified * key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the greatest key in the Tree is less * than the specified key), a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Entry * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Entry getCeilingEntry(K key) const { if (this->root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No ceiling entry in this map"); } NodePtr node = this->root; std::stack
ancestors; while (node != nullptr) { if (key == node->key) { return node->entry(); } if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ if (node->left != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->left; } else { return node->entry(); } } else { /* key > node->key */ if (node->right != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->right; } else { if (ancestors.empty()) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No ceiling entry in this map"); } NodePtr parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); while (node == parent->right) { node = parent; if (!ancestors.empty()) { parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); } else { throw NoSuchMappingException("No ceiling entry in this map"); } } return parent->entry(); } } } throw NoSuchMappingException("No ceiling entry in this map"); } /** * Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry exists, * returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; * if no such entry exists, a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Entry * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Entry getFloorEntry(K key) const { if (this->root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No floor entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr node = this->root; std::stack
ancestors; while (node != nullptr) { if (key == node->key) { return node->entry(); } if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ if (node->left != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->left; } else { if (ancestors.empty()) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No floor entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); while (node == parent->left) { node = parent; if (!ancestors.empty()) { parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); } else { throw NoSuchMappingException("No floor entry exists in this map"); } } return parent->entry(); } } else { /* key > node->key */ if (node->right != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->right; } else { return node->entry(); } } } throw NoSuchMappingException("No floor entry exists in this map"); } /** * Gets the entry for the least key greater than the specified * key; if no such entry exists, returns the entry for the least * key greater than the specified key; if no such entry exists, * a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Entry * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Entry getHigherEntry(K key) { if (this->root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No higher entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr node = this->root; std::stack
ancestors; while (node != nullptr) { if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ if (node->left != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->left; } else { return node->entry(); } } else { /* key >= node->key */ if (node->right != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->right; } else { if (ancestors.empty()) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No higher entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); while (node == parent->right) { node = parent; if (!ancestors.empty()) { parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); } else { throw NoSuchMappingException( "No higher entry exists in this map"); } } return parent->entry(); } } } throw NoSuchMappingException("No higher entry exists in this map"); } /** * Returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; if * no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than * the specified key), a {@code NoSuchMappingException} will be thrown. * @param key * @return AvlTreeMap
::Entry * @throws NoSuchMappingException */ Entry getLowerEntry(K key) const { if (this->root == nullptr) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No lower entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr node = this->root; std::stack
ancestors; while (node != nullptr) { if (compare(key, node->key) || key == node->key) { /* key <= node->key */ if (node->left != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->left; } else { if (ancestors.empty()) { throw NoSuchMappingException("No lower entry exists in this map"); } NodePtr parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); while (node == parent->left) { node = parent; if (!ancestors.empty()) { parent = ancestors.top(); ancestors.pop(); } else { throw NoSuchMappingException("No lower entry exists in this map"); } } return parent->entry(); } } else { /* key > node->key */ if (node->right != nullptr) { ancestors.push(node); node = node->right; } else { return node->entry(); } } } throw NoSuchMappingException("No lower entry exists in this map"); } /** * Remove all entries that satisfy the filter condition. * @param filter */ void removeAll(KeyValueFilter filter) { std::vector
keys; this->inorderTraversal([&](ConstNodePtr node) { if (filter(node->key, node->value)) { keys.push_back(node->key); } }); for (const Key &key : keys) { this->remove(key); } } /** * Performs the given action for each key and value entry in this map. * The value is immutable for the action. * @param action */ void forEach(KeyValueConsumer action) const { this->inorderTraversal( [&](ConstNodePtr node) { action(node->key, node->value); }); } /** * Performs the given action for each key and value entry in this map. * The value is mutable for the action. * @param action */ void forEachMut(MutKeyValueConsumer action) { this->inorderTraversal( [&](ConstNodePtr node) { action(node->key, node->value); }); } /** * Returns a list containing all of the entries in this map. * @return AvlTreeMap
::EntryList */ EntryList toEntryList() const { EntryList entryList; this->inorderTraversal( [&](ConstNodePtr node) { entryList.push_back(node->entry()); }); return entryList; } private: static NodePtr rotateLeft(ConstNodePtr node) { // clang-format off // | | // N S // / \ l-rotate(N) / \ // L S ==========> N R // / \ / \ // M R L M NodePtr successor = node->right; // clang-format on node->right = successor->left; successor->left = node; node->updateHeight(); successor->updateHeight(); return successor; } static NodePtr rotateRight(ConstNodePtr node) { // clang-format off // | | // N S // / \ r-rotate(N) / \ // S R ==========> L N // / \ / \ // L M M R NodePtr successor = node->left; // clang-format on node->left = successor->right; successor->right = node; node->updateHeight(); successor->updateHeight(); return successor; } static void swapNode(NodePtr &lhs, NodePtr &rhs) { std::swap(lhs->key, rhs->key); std::swap(lhs->value, rhs->value); std::swap(lhs, rhs); } static void fixBalance(NodePtr &node) { if (node->factor() < -1) { if (node->left->factor() < 0) { // clang-format off // Left-Left Case // | // C | // / r-rotate(C) B // B ==========> / \ // / A C // A // clang-format on node = rotateRight(node); } else { // clang-format off // Left-Right Case // | | // C C | // / l-rotate(A) / r-rotate(C) B // A ==========> B ==========> / \ // \ / A C // B A // clang-format on node->left = rotateLeft(node->left); node = rotateRight(node); } } else if (node->factor() > 1) { if (node->right->factor() > 0) { // clang-format off // Right-Right Case // | // C | // \ l-rotate(C) B // B ==========> / \ // \ A C // A // clang-format on node = rotateLeft(node); } else { // clang-format off // Right-Left Case // | | // A A | // \ r-rotate(C) \ l-rotate(A) B // C ==========> B ==========> / \ // / \ A C // B C // clang-format on node->right = rotateRight(node->right); node = rotateLeft(node); } } } NodePtr getNodeOrProvide(NodePtr &node, K key, NodeProvider provide) { assert(node != nullptr); if (key == node->key) { return node; } assert(key != node->key); NodePtr result; if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ if (node->left == nullptr) { result = node->left = provide(); this->count += 1; node->updateHeight(); } else { result = getNodeOrProvide(node->left, key, provide); node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); } } else { /* key > node->key */ if (node->right == nullptr) { result = node->right = provide(); this->count += 1; node->updateHeight(); } else { result = getNodeOrProvide(node->right, key, provide); node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); } } return result; } NodePtr getNode(ConstNodePtr node, K key) const { assert(node != nullptr); if (key == node->key) { return node; } if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ return node->left == nullptr ? nullptr : getNode(node->left, key); } else { /* key > node->key */ return node->right == nullptr ? nullptr : getNode(node->right, key); } } void insert(NodePtr &node, K key, V value, bool replace = true) { assert(node != nullptr); if (key == node->key) { if (replace) { node->value = value; } return; } assert(key != node->key); if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ if (node->left == nullptr) { node->left = Node::from(key, value); this->count += 1; node->updateHeight(); } else { insert(node->left, key, value, replace); node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); } } else { /* key > node->key */ if (node->right == nullptr) { node->right = Node::from(key, value); this->count += 1; node->updateHeight(); } else { insert(node->right, key, value, replace); node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); } } } bool remove(NodePtr &node, K key, NodeConsumer action) { assert(node != nullptr); if (key != node->key) { if (compare(key, node->key)) { /* key < node->key */ NodePtr &left = node->left; if (left != nullptr && remove(left, key, action)) { node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); return true; } else { return false; } } else { /* key > node->key */ NodePtr &right = node->right; if (right != nullptr && remove(right, key, action)) { node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); return true; } else { return false; } } } assert(key == node->key); action(node); if (node->isLeaf()) { // Case 1: no child node = nullptr; } else if (node->right == nullptr) { // clang-format off // Case 2: left child only // P // | remove(N) P // N ========> | // / L // L // clang-format on node = node->left; node->updateHeight(); } else if (node->left == nullptr) { // clang-format off // Case 3: right child only // P // | remove(N) P // N ========> | // \ R // R // clang-format on node = node->right; node->updateHeight(); } else if (node->right->left == nullptr) { // clang-format off // Case 4: both left and right child, right child has no left child // | | // N remove(N) R // / \ ========> / // L R L // clang-format on NodePtr right = node->right; swapNode(node, right); right->right = node->right; node = right; node->updateHeight(); fixBalance(node); } else { // clang-format off // Case 5: both left and right child, right child is not a leaf // Step 1. find the node N with the smallest key // and its parent P on the right subtree // Step 2. swap S and N // Step 3. remove node N like Case 1 or Case 3 // Step 4. update height for P // | | // N S | // / \ / \ S // L .. swap(N, S) L .. remove(N) / \ // | =========> | ========> L .. // P P | // / \ / \ P // S .. N .. / \ // \ \ R .. // R R // clang-format on // Step 1 NodePtr successor = node->right; NodePtr parent = node; while (successor->left != nullptr) { parent = successor; successor = parent->left; } // Step 2 swapNode(node, successor); // Step 3 parent->left = node->right; // Restore node node = successor; // Step 4 parent->updateHeight(); } this->count -= 1; return true; } void inorderTraversal(NodeConsumer action) const { if (this->root == nullptr) { return; } std::stack
stack; NodePtr node = this->root; while (node != nullptr || !stack.empty()) { while (node != nullptr) { stack.push(node); node = node->left; } if (!stack.empty()) { node = stack.top(); stack.pop(); action(node); node = node->right; } } } }; #endif // AVLTREE_MAP_HPP ``` ## 其他资料 在 [AVL Tree Visualization](https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/AVLtree.html) 可以观察 AVL 树维护平衡的过程。